How the steps we take as children effects the rest of their lives
Saturday, 28 September, 2019 01:20

How the steps we’ve taken earlier in our lives as children and throughout our life  is the current effect  of  where we are on presently at as adults, known as the “butterfly effect”  which is the understanding of cause-and-effects .  As parents I’m sure this  influences  us to plant seeds to grow in our children, like the activities we encourage them to engage with when they are young with the hope they will benefit from them when they are older and more mature to appreciate.

Which bring me to reflecting on Maya one of our first students of Moosicology:

Update a year later: “Maya got a certificate for excellent rhythm in her music class – the only child to get one  and she told the teachers it was because she learned it from Moosicology! It’s motivated her to do more than just play around on the piano at home now and she’s keen to have lessons – not bad as she’s only just turned five!”

Build a brighter future for your children with the seeds  you plant in your children.

Moosicology Making Learning Fun!


Written on 28 September, 2024 09:44 by Moosicology
Written on 03 February, 2024 12:13 by Liisa Henriksson-Macaulay
Written on 18 November, 2023 10:43 by Moosicology
Written on 18 January, 2013 12:11 by Liisa Henriksson-Macaulay